Percentage Calculator

You can download and try Percentage Calculator completely for free for up to 14 days without any limitations and with no obligation.

The free trial period begins on the first day you launch the software and was designed to see if Percentage Calculator fits your requirements prior to purchase.

When the free trial period expires, you must purchase Percentage Calculator to continue using it.

Web Installer
The web installer has a smaller file size and contains all program files. Required dependencies like the Microsoft .NET Framework are dynamically downloaded from the internet during the installation, if neccessary.

Offline Installer
The offline installer has a larger file size and contains all program files. Required dependencies like the Microsoft .NET Framework are embedded into the setup file so no additional downloads are required during the installation.

This download is covered by our Security Guarantee
This download is 100% Safe: No Spyware, No Adware, No malware of any kind! Guaranteed by us and certified through third parties. Your privacy and protection is our top priority! (Learn more)

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